Wednesday, July 18, 2012


In 2000 in California I became a Republican briefly.  Al Gore had the Democratic nomination wrapped up, and McCain was running against George W. Bush in the Republican primary.  I thought at the time (later confirmed), that W. was an idiot, so I registered Republican to vote for McCain.
I had some real doubts about that decision in 2008, when McCain ran a terrible campaign and, even worse, picked Sarah Palin as his running mate.  Even then, though, I remember how he took the microphone from a woman who was attacking Obama’s patriotism and explained that while he and Obama had differences, Obama was a good American with whom he happened to disagree.
As Linda said, every now and then he surprises you by doing the honorable thing.  He did it again today.  Michelle Bachman is running around saying the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated high levels of the U.S. government.  She is referring to Huma Abedin, aide to Hillary Clinton.  McCain spoke on the floor to the Senate, criticizing Bachman and defending Ms. Abedin.  I heard some of the speech, and it was a good one.
Sen. McCain, thank you.

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